Editorial Policy

Student Photos/Interviews

We do not use identified student photos on this website unless we have received permission from parents. We may link to outside news media sources already posted on the web and to parent support organization websites and publications where our students' photos may appear.

Parent/guardian permission is obtained before we allow students to be photographed or filmed at school for television broadcast or other news media. 

Parent permission is also required before students can be interviewed at school for quotes in print or broadcast.

Nonprofit information regarding fund raising

Bay Village City School District print and digital publications (including mass emails) to residents, student families and/or staff of Bay Village, and district website and social media accounts, are reserved first and foremost for district business needs and dissemination of district news. They may contain promotional information for fund raising purposes when the event meets the following criteria:

  1. The sponsoring organization must be a nonprofit organization with established tax-exempt status.

  2. The event or fund raiser must be of significant benefit to Bay Village City School District students as determined by the Director of Communications acting as newsletter editor and webmaster, together with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.

  3. While we do our best to accommodate promotional placements that meet the above criteria, space, time and capacity limitations may not allow us to honor every request.

  4. Any promotion will occur only once, and timing of placement will be determined by Director of Communications.

The space allotted to such promotions will be solely at the discretion of the Designated Representatives of the Board of Education. The Designated Representatives always retain the option to edit all promotional material for length, space, clarity, accuracy and good taste.

Unsolicited material

We cannot accept unsolicited, uncommissioned and/or unedited material for publication in newsletters or on the website.

In addition, we cannot accept web links for organizations other than those to organizations established for the benefit of our students, or links deemed appropriate as resources by the board of education's designation representatives (Superintendent and Director of Communications).

This policy protects the district from charges pertaining to equal access, plagiarism, copyright, and other legal issues, and will be applied to all such requests. District publications and websites are solely for the purpose of school district administration.