Student Wellbeing

Family out in the beach during a sunset

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support to Ohioans in a mental health crisis. Ohioans can call or text “988” to reach a trained specialist for help and support. Contact for questions about the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

Resources for Your Child

Here are some excellent resources to help you with your student's social, emotional and behavioral health.

FrontLine Service

24 hour access to talk to someone if you or someone you care for is in crisis (216) 623-6888


 TEXT (4HOPE) to 741741


BVCSD Care Coordinator

Mrs. Megan Basel


Bay Presbyterian

Provides free short-term counseling for youth and families.

440- 241- 4302

Cleveland Clinic ADHD Center

Organizational skills training/group

Contact Hilary Alexander

(216) 445-7574

Cornerstone of Hope

Grief and Loss individual and group counseling


Emily Program

Eating Disorders/Self Injurious behaviors


Olmsted Psychotherapy and Associates

Child, Adolescent and Adult counseling

4859 Dover Center Rd Ste 9
North Olmsted, OH 44070

University Hospital Child and Adolescent Child Outpatient Psychiatry 

Outpatient child/adolescent mental health services. 


  • The list and links above are not all inclusive and may be subject to specific insurance carriers. Verify with your individual insurance provider for specific cost and services covered under your plan. Your building school counselors can assist in locating other resources or if you need more information. We do not endorse these individual providers, please contact at your personal discretion.

  • Find additional county resources here.  This list includes community mental health providers that take medicaid and other agencies such as the DVC, Rape Crisis.

  • Please find area private providers here.


Bay Village City School District Care Coordinator

Megan Basel

If this is a mental health crisis, please call Frontline,

(Cuyahoga County 24 hour hotline.)

Family Guide for Infectious Disease Outbreaks