The audit report of the fiscal year 2023 financial statements is available at the following link: Ohio Auditor of State

The annual financial report of the Bay Village City School district for 2024 has been completed. The report is available for inspection at the "FY2024 Financial Statements" link on this page and at the office of the treasurer at 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140.

District Funding Story

The document linked here tells the Bay Village School District funding story. This is a guide on our district's funding sources, property taxes, levies and state funding.

District Funding Story - Bay Village CSD

Ohio Public School Funding

  • The State of Ohio Legislature is formulating the new two-year budget which begins July 1, 2025. Included in the budget is how much state funding is dedicated to public education.

  • The proposals that I have seen include cuts to our district's state funding.


Hello, I’m Meghan Rohde, Treasurer for the Bay Village City School District.

Our financial team is dedicated to being responsible stewards of your tax dollars and ensuring full transparency in our financial reporting and analysis. I’m proud to share that Bay Village Schools has earned the Auditor of State Award in nine of the last ten years, a recognition given to districts with clean audit reports from the state of Ohio.

According to the 2024 Ohio Department of Education Report Card, 72.8% of our annual budget is allocated directly to classroom instruction. This means the majority of every dollar we spend goes straight to supporting our students, exceeding the state average of 66.9%. This commitment to investing in our students has consistently placed Bay Village Schools among the top academic performers in Ohio.

As a former auditor, I, along with the administrative team, remain focused on finding innovative ways to save money and enhance the District’s financial health. By doing so, we can direct more resources toward our students, supporting their success and achieving positive outcomes.

I look forward to continuing our work together to support our learning community.


Meghan Rohde
Treasurer, Bay Village City School District

Treasurer's Office Responsibilities:

  • Serves as the custodian for all District monies

  • Records all receipts and pays all District financial obligations

  • Pay salaries and maintains tax records for over 350 District employees

  • Certifies all financial records needed by the Ohio Department of Education

  • Works with the Superintendent to prepare the District budget.

  • Invests all District funds to maximize returns and maintain high bond rating

  • Continue to receive an unqualified opinion from the State Auditor's Office