Public Notices
Publishing Date: January 2, 2025
General-Purpose Financial Statements and Tax Budget
A copy of the Bay Village City School District's General-Purpose Financial
Statements, for the year ended June 30, 2024, and a copy of the District's
tax budget for the period covering July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, are
on file in the Office of the Treasurer and open to the inspection of the
public, pursuant to the requirements of the law. This tax budget will be
approved on January 6, 2025, following a public tax budget hearing at 6
p.m. at the Board of Education Office. The Treasurer's Office is located
at 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, Ohio. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4
p.m., weekdays.
Publishing Date: August 12, 2021
Playground Improvements at the Glenview Center for Childcare and Learning
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of the Bay Village City School District for the Playground Improvements at the Glenview Center for Childcare and Learning, 28727 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140. The bids will be received at the Treasurer’s Office, 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, Ohio, 44140, until 1:00 p.m. local time on August 29, 2024, and will be read publicly and recorded immediately thereafter. Late bids will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Faxed and emailed bids are not permitted.
The base bid construction budget is $150,000, including contingency. The proposed work consists of all labor, materials and equipment necessary for playground improvements at the Glenview Center for Childcare and Learning.
Plans and specifications were prepared for this project by Behnke Landscape Architecture, 2658 Scranton Road, Suite 2, Cleveland, OH 44113. The bidding documents, including the drawings, specifications, project manual, bid form, forms of contract and bond, may be obtained at the non-refundable cost of printing and handling directly from: SE Blueprint, Inc., 2035 Hamilton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, or at their website (
A pre-bid conference discussing this project will be held at the site on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 9:00 AM (rain or shine). Attendance is encouraged but not required.
Each proposal shall be submitted on the designated bid forms and shall be accompanied by a bid security in the form of a 100% bid guarantee and contract bond, conforming to the requirements of Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code, or a certified check in the amount of 10% of the bid. The successful bidder shall submit, within ten days of written notification of bid acceptance, a satisfactory performance and payment bond, each in the amount of 100% of the contract amount payable to Bay Village City School District.
The contract will be awarded based on the lowest and most responsible proposal and the Bay Village City School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof, to waive informalities, and to conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any proposal and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the contractors, proposed subcontractors and other persons and organizations to provide equipment in accordance with the specifications to its satisfaction within the prescribed tim
By order of the Board of Education: Meghan Rohde, Treasurer for the Bay Village City School District.
Intended Newspaper (Westlife) Publishing Date: August 21, 2024
Publishing Date: January 27, 2021
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of the Bay Village City School District for the Bay Village Stadium Field House. The bids will be received at the Treasurer’s Office, 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, Ohio, 44140, until 1:00 p.m. local time on February 24, 2021 and will be read publicly and recorded immediately thereafter. Late bids will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Faxed and emailed bids are not permitted.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19 and the anticipated number of vendors submitting bids, after dropping sealed bids off at the Treasurer's Office, 377 Dover Center Road, vendors are asked to attend the Bid Opening at the Bus Garage Building, 29230 Wolf Road, which is next to the Maintenance Building and to the West of the Bay High School Stadium. Participants should enter Bay High School's driveway and park near the Stadium, and then use the footpath that runs along the South end of the Stadium to get to the Maintenance Building. Face masks are required and social distancing will be maintained.
The estimated Cost of the Work for the project is $1,260,000. Bids shall be addressed to the Treasurer of the Bay Village City School District in a sealed opaque envelope, and be clearly marked on the envelope it is a bid for the applicable improvements for which the bidder is submitting its bid along with the contractor’s name.
Plans and specifications were prepared for this project by Architectural Vision Group, Ltd., 23850 Sperry Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, 44145. The bidding documents,including the drawings, specifications, project manual, bid form, forms of contract and bond, may be obtained at the non-refundable cost of printing and handling directly from:
3666 Carnegie Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Bids shall include, and Bidders shall submit with their Bids, bid security in the form of (i) a bond in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Sections 153.54 and 153.571 naming the Board of Education as obligee for the total amount of the Bid, including all add alternates,or(ii) a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit in the amount often percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, including all add alternates, as prescribed by Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.
There will be a Pre-Bid Meeting for all Bidders at 2:00 p.m.local time on February 9, 2021 at 29230 Wolf Road, Bay Village, Ohio, 44140. This meeting will be followed by a tour of the project site.
This legal notice is posted on the School District’s internet website. The legal notice may be accessed at
Publishing Date: January 27, 2021
Notice of Free and Reduced Meals for 2020-2021 school year (August 4, 2020)
Bay Village City Schools today announced its 2020-2021 program year policy for free and reduced meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals under the National School Lunch Programs. Eachschool office and the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.
The Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines will be used to determine eligibility. Children from families whose annual income is at or below the federal guidelines are eligible for free and reduced-price meals or free milk if the school participates in the Special Milk Program. Application forms are distributed to all homes in a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free and reduced-price benefits, households should complete an application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available at the principal’s office in each school. A complete application is required. Households which currently receive Special Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits (SNAP, formally known as food stamps) or Ohio Works First (OWF) funds for a child must provide the child’s name, the SNAP or OWF case number and signature of an adult household member on the application. Households that do not receive SNAP or OWF funds must provide the names of all household members, the last four digits of the Social Security Number of the adult signing the application or state “none” if the adult does
not have a Social Security Number, the amount and source of income received by each household member, (state the monthly income) and the signature of an adult household member. If any of this information is missing, the school cannot process the application.
FREE HEALTH CARE: Families with children eligible for school meals may be eligible for FREE health care coverage through Medicaid and/or Ohio’s Healthy Start & Healthy Families programs. These programs include coverage for doctor visits, immunizations, physicals, prescriptions, dental, vision, mental health, substance abuse and more. Please call 1-800-324-
8680 for more information or to request an application. Information can also be found on the web at Anyone who has an Ohio Medicaid card is already receiving these services.
The information provided on the application is confidential and will be used only for the purpose to determine eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program official. To discourage the possibility of misrepresentation, the application forms contain a statement above the space for signature certifying that all information furnished is true and correct. Applications are being made in connection with the receipt of federal funds. Schools or other officials may check the information on the application at any time during the school year. Deliberate misrepresentation of information may subject the applicant to prosecution under applicable state and federal laws.
Households will be notified of the approval or denial of benefits.
Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal benefits regardless of the household’s income. If a family has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for such meals or milk for them, contact the school for more information.
Under the provision of the policy, Christine Klein will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent or guardian disagrees with the decision on the application or the result of verification, the decision may be discussed with the determining official on an informal basis. If a formal appeal is desired, the household has the right to a fair hearing. A fair hearing can be requested either orally or in writing from:
Lindsey Holeman, 377 Dover Center Rd., Bay Village, OH 44140 (440) 617-7324
The policy contains an outline of the hearing procedure.
Households may apply for benefits any time during the school year. If a household is not currently eligible and if
the household size increases or income decreases because of unemployment or other reasons, the family should contact the school to file a new application. Such changes may make the children of the family eligible for free or reduced-price benefits if the family income falls at or below the levels shown above.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil
rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay
Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your
completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement (December, 2019)
Doe v. State of Ohio
The State of Ohio, the Governor, the Ohio Department of Education, and other state-level defendants to a class action lawsuit have reached a proposed settlement and have requested our District's assistance in informing students and parents of the proposed settlement. A link to the settlement is below. To be clear, our District is not a defendant in this lawsuit and is not accused of any wrongdoing in this lawsuit.
Read the Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement here.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Bay Village City School District has dedicated itself to providing equal admission opportunities and equal employment opportunities to all people regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, non-related medical conditions or handicap. Students are considered equally for course enrollment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, parents’ status, non-related medical conditions or handicap.
In case of discrimination: The grievance procedure begins with the student or staff member presenting in writing his or her alleged grievance to the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, Marty Patton. A copy of the complete grievance procedure is available upon request from the building administrator located in the school office. The Bay Village City School District is in compliance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and Section 504 regulations. Complete policies are available at 377 Dover Center Road in Bay Village, or on this website under Board of Education Policies. Pertinent policies are numbered 2260, 3362, 3122, 4122 and 5517. Administrative guidelines 2260 include all grievance procedures.
Directory Information Notice
Students and their parents or guardians may object to the release of student directory information (which we are otherwise required by law to release upon request). Each year, the Superintendent shall provide public notice to students and their parents of the District's intent to make available, upon request, certain information known as "directory information." The Board currently designates as student "directory information": a student's name; telephone number; major field of study; participation in officially-recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; or awards received. A written objection must be given to the principal. If an objection to Directory Information release is made, the student will not be included in public documents such as yearbooks, performance programs, requests from colleges/universities for mailing lists, nonprofit groups, etc. Directory information cannot be released for profit-making purposes.
Directory information requested by armed forces recruiters must be released under the No Child Left Behind law. Parents/guardians (or students 18 years of age) may specifically exclude having the student’s directory information distributed to armed forces recruiters by making such a request in writing to the high school office.
Search for Children with Disabilities
The Bay Village City School District seeks to identify, locate and evaluate all children from birth to age 21 who may have a disability.
A "child with disability" in Ohio means a child under age twenty-two who has an intellectual disability, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, an other health impairment, a specific learning disability (including dyslexia), deaf-blindness, a developmental delay (for a child between the ages of three and five), or multiple disabilities; and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services. Parents may not be aware that their child has a disability or that there are programs and services available.
Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens, are asked to help find any child who may have a disability and need special education and related services.
Notify the Bay Village City School District Department of Student Services at 440-617-7300. District officials will talk with the parents to determine if an evaluation is necessary.
Destruction of Special Education records 1967-2011 and process for 2012-present
This notification is to inform the public that the Bay Village City School District intends to destroy Special Education records that are no longer needed and are not considered permanent records that are required to be maintained for the years of 1967-2011.
In accordance with OAC 3301-51-04 and 34 CFR 300.624, parents and/or students who are eighteen years of age or older should be informed when personally identifiable information collected, maintained or used under OAC 3301-51-04 is no longer needed to provide educational services to the student. This information must also be destroyed at the request of the parent or adult student with the exception of information that is required to be maintained permanently.
The Office of Special Services maintains the most recent Evaluation Team Report, and Individual Education Plan, and/or 504 Accommodation Plan beyond the required time limit due to a possible need by the student for Social Security benefits or other purposes. Psychological Restricted Records are retained for ten years after the last contact with the student and after informing the parent or adult student of the intent to destroy.
The District shall not destroy any student education record if there is an outstanding request to inspect and review the record. Once the student either consents in writing to the disposal of the school record or fails to respond to the District’s notices, an application for one (1) time records disposal will be made to the local records commission in accordance with Bay Village Board Policy, 8310A- Public Records and Schedule for Record Retention and Disposal.
Please contact Lindsey Holeman, Director of Student Services by phone at #440-617-7300 or email at to consent to the disposal of records or to request to inspect and review records.
Education for Homeless Children
In compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act, the Bay Village City School District insures that homeless children and youth are:
advised on the choice of schools;
immediately enrolled; and
promptly provided necessary services including transportation, to allow homeless children and youths to exercise their choices of schools.
Scot T. Prebles, Superintendent, is the district contact for homeless children and can be reached at 440-617-7300.
Students who have English as their Second Language
Parent Notification Requirements for Student identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP)
Title III Language Instruction for LEP and Immigrant Students - Description
Teacher Qualifications
The Bay Village City School District currently employs only Highly Qualified Teachers for each area of instruction. Our teachers are fully certified to teach in their current assignment. Parents, guardians and members of the public have the right to information regarding the qualifications of our teachers. Please make requests directly to the school principal of the building in which the teacher is assigned.
Identification and Referral of Gifted Students
The State of Ohio passed a law, OAC 3301-51-15, which addresses the issue of identifying children who are gifted. “Gifted” students perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.
This law requires that gifted and talented students be identified in grades K-12 in every school district in Ohio in several areas: Superior Cognitive Ability; Superior Academic Ability in math, science, social studies and language arts; Creative Thinking Ability; and Visual and Performing Arts Ability such as art, music, dance, and drama. Students must display these abilities at a level superior to that of children of similar age.
A Gifted Identification Policy and Plan for Bay Village was approved at the January 24, 2000, Board of Education meeting. This policy includes the following provisions:
A description of the assessment instruments from the Ohio Department of Education approved list, which our district will use to screen and identify gifted students
Two opportunities a year (fall and spring) for assessment if requested by teachers, parents, or the student
Children with disabilities, minority and disadvantaged students, and students for whom English is a second language will be included in screening and assessment procedures
Any student transferring into the district will be assessed within 90 days of the transfer at the request of a parent
Parents will be notified about the results of any assessments within 30 days of completion
Parents may appeal any decision about the results of their child’s assessment
The district will accept scores on assessment instruments provided by other school districts or trained personnel outside the school district, provided the assessment instruments are on the approved state list
The complete Bay Village Policy and Plan for the Identification of Children Who Are Gifted is available at The Board of Education Office or on this website under the Board of Education Policies.
Asbestos Abatement Notice
In compliance with AHERA regulations, we are notifying you of an update of the District Asbestos Inspection and Management Plan.No action was taken during the past year. The updated plan is on file at the district Maintenance Office on the grounds of Bay High School (29230 Wolf Road). Mr. Aaron Ereditario is the district compliance officer: Aaron Ereditario, 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, OH 44140.
Public Records Policy
Our district public records policy is posted in each school and available on this website under our Board of Education Policies.
Federal Funds Information
Each year the Bay Village City Board of Education holds a public hearing regarding the proposed use of Federal Funds. The times and dates are advertised, and interested Bay Village City residents are urged to attend.
Bullying and Harassment Report
The report of Bullying and Harassment incidents is reported here.
Parental and student notification procedures
In the event of an emergency situation at school, parents will be notified by school officials through a phone messaging system. The recorded phone call will be made to the home phone number on file as part of the student's record. These calls are sent to all student phone numbers simultaneously. If the call is not picked up, the message is left on an available answering service or machine.
Report Suspected Fraud
If you see something going on in our school district that makes you suspect fraud is occurring with taxpayer dollars, please report it to the Ohio Auditor at the following link: Report Fraud
Regarding student use of District technology and network:
The District does its best to place limits, restrictions and alerts on the computer to monitor students when they are online and using District equipment. However, while we may monitor this system from time to time for potential points of intervention with students, we are not routinely monitoring their online activity or the potential risks that may arise from their online activity. It is important that parents carefully monitor their child’s use of Chromebooks and access to the Internet at all times, and the District assumes no liability or other responsibility arising from or related to their use of Chromebooks or their use of the Internet.