Board of Education
Check our Board Docs for agendas, minutes, etc.

Bay Village Board of Education:
Mrs. Amy Huntley, President
Mrs. Debbie Callihan, Vice President
Mr. James Goodman, Dr. Scott Schulz, Dr. Andrey Stojic
Bay Village City School District Board of Education
Administration Office, 377 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, OH, 44140
Per Board Policy #6460, if you would like to share information about your product or service, please contact the Superintendent's Office first. Thank you!
Email all Board Members as a group at:
You may also email individual board members by clicking here.
Your email may be considered a public record.
The Role and Obligations
of Your Bay Village City School Board
School Boards set educational goals and establish policy for a school system based upon state laws and community values. In effect, they create the vision for the future of a school district.
Board Members make decisions on a wide range of issues, such as hiring and evaluating a Superintendent and a Treasurer, setting district policy, planning student services, goal setting and long-range planning, developing curriculum, establishing budgets and community relations programs. A board member should be a skilled decision maker; however, decisions are only made by the Board as a whole at a public meeting. Board Members do not manage the day-to-day operations of a school district; they see to it that the system is managed well by professionals.
The amount of time and study involved in this commitment is great, and your School Board Members do this for nominal monetary compensation, just around $2,700 per year.
The schedule of Board Meetings is decided in January of each year at an Organizational Meeting, where it is also decided which Board Members will serve as President and Vice President, and where committee positions are assigned.