Login Information
Students and Parents can login to the PowerSchool portal via the link at the top of every bayk12.org webpage or directly at https://psbv.ohconnect.org
Parents create & login their own Username and Password.
Usernames and passwords for Parent/Guardian accounts are case-sensitive
PowerSchool's Parent Single Sign on allows parents and guardians the ability to access information like student grades and attendance with a single account.
Parent/Guardian accounts can only be associated with a single/unique email address. If more than one parent/guardian wishes to have their own PowerSchool access, they will need to create a separate account using a different email address than the primary Parent Account on file.
Students sign in via their own button, using their Bay Google account:

Mobile App
District Code: NRQD
PowerSchool Troubleshooting -- Please call your building's main office:
Bay High School - 440-617-7400
Bay Middle School - 440-617-7600
Westerly Elementary - 440-617-7550
Normandy Elementary - 440-617-7350
Information for Parents/Guardians
PowerSchool's dashboard provides parents and students with easy access to the following:
Demographic Information
Class Schedules
Report Cards
Kindergarten Screening & State Test Scores
For more information, click on a topic below to expand the selection.