COVID-19 Info for Special Services Families

While we realize that most of your schools and programs are currently closed, we hope you are able to continue to communicate with your staff and families. Please share these resources and information with them. Stay well!

While it appears that children are less likely to become seriously ill with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), anyone with immune deficiency or suppression, or a chronic illness such as asthma, emphysema, heart disease, lung disease, or other conditions may be at higher risk.
There does not appear to be evidence indicating that children with medical complexity develop more serious symptoms. However, it is recommended that anyone who has a serious long-term health problem take precautionary actions to reduce the risk of getting sick with the virus.
Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D., MPH, strongly recommends that families with young people with special healthcare needs take certain actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These recommendations are outlined in a "COVID-19 Checklist for Families with Children/Youth with Special Healthcare Needs" available at
The checklist is on ODH's website which has many other COVID-19 related resources that may be helpful to you.