Celebrate BHS' Centennial by attending the Alumni Madness fundraiser on March 26 at Bay Lanes. You don't have to be an alum to attend. You don't even have to be a bowler! Tickets at: https://bayalumnimadnesstickets2022.eventbrite.com
Normandy's Mrs. Nameth organized a Snowman-making contest with the second-grade classes, and these senior Bees did not disappoint!
Save the date! Bay Village Women's Club Foundation's 52nd Annual Antiques & Vintage Show, Feb. 26-27 at Bay High School. Proceeds benefit high school scholarships.
A few snow days may have delayed our celebration, but if you wait 100 years for a centennial anniversary, what's a few more days?! Happy Centennial to our very own Bay High School!!
Kindergarteners in Mrs. Bragg's class recently celebrated the 100th Day of School by dressing up as Centenarians. Did you know that Bay High School is also 100 years old?!
A chance to win a car and help support Bay Athletics? Yes, please! Deadline to buy raffle tickets is Feb. 15 with drawing on Feb. 17. You do not need to be a Bay resident to participate. Good luck!
Got Talent? Show us what you got on Feb. 26 at Bay High School's Talent Show! Alumni are encouraged to participate in this official BHS Centennial Event. Public welcome, $5 benefits BHS Theatre Program.
BHS trumpet player Adam Ward performed in the Ohio Music Education Association’s All-State Jazz Ensemble recently. He was one of five trumpet players in Ohio invited. Ward, a Junior, was conducted by Grammy-award-winning bassist Todd Coolman.
Looking for Black History Month events in Northeast Ohio? Check out this link, which includes concerts, plays, movies and more! https://bit.ly/BHMEvents2022
After a 2-year hiatus, the First-Fourth Keychain Co. is back in business! First- and fourth-graders are learning real-life economic and entrepreneurship skills!
As we celebrate National School Counseling Week this week, Feb. 7-11, we highlight the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. Thank you!
Mrs. McArn's first-graders recently celebrated the 101st Day of School with math tasks, including how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. They predicted more than 101 licks.
Please support the Bay High School Senior Class of 2022 by purchasing a Superbowl Square! Squares and numbers will be randomly assigned and distributed prior to the game.
Click here to buy tickets: https://givebutter.com/superbowl2022
The PTA Council Scholarship Raffle ends tomorrow, Saturday. There are so many amazing prizes and baskets included in this virtual raffle. Funds raised benefit Class of 2022 scholarships. Click the link below to see the items/purchase tickets.
Bay Schools is closed Friday, February 4th, including Glenview. Boys basketball vs River has been moved to Saturday and the Sno Ball Run is on as planned for Saturday.
Today is Last Day to Order! Bay Music Boosters has partnered with Mabel's BBQ, selling Mabel's Pork Rib Heat at Home Kits and Pulled Pork Heat at Home Kits for the Super Bowl! Each kit is $50.00.
Bay Schools will be closed Thursday, February 3rd. All evening activities for Thursday are cancelled. Due to the Winter Storm Warning, Glenview is also closed on Thursday.
Normandy Bus 3 had a minor rear-end incident. All students are fine! There may be a delay. A second bus will be transport them to final destination.
The annual Snoball 5K event is this Saturday morning, Feb. 5! This fun community event raises money for Bay Athletics. Participate live or virtual to get that cool hat! The Snoball is an official Bay High School Centennial event.
Do us a solid today, Buckeye Chuck, please no shadow today!