Career Connections:
This spring, the Counseling department has put together Career Connections, a series of guest speakers on Tuesday during QRP who will tell you about a day in the life of their job and the education pathways it took to get there. Upcoming featured careers include finance, social media marketing, veterinary sciences, education, and computer science. Sign up on the Experienceships Eventbrite or see Mrs. Holden.
A special announcement from Dr. Srsen:
Congratulations to the Bay High School teams, who competed in the Destination Imagination regional competition and qualified for the state competition. Good luck competing in Barberton!
From the Desk of Assistant Principal Ramsey Inman:
Please congratulate Alice Jones, Avery Schriner, William Waters and Cameryn Williams for delivering powerful speeches on Wednesday, March 12th at the Rotary Club Speech Contest.
They competed against other local high schools. Cameryn Williams wrote and delivered a very creative and thought provoking speech. William Waters came in 4th place and was awarded honorable mention. Avery Schriner received 3rd place overall. And Alice Jones came in 1st place and was the overall winner of the competition. You all greatly represented Bay High School!
Alice Jones has been invited to represent Bay High School as she will compete against students from all over Northeast Ohio at the District Competition on Saturday, April 12th. Good luck Alice!
Jobs, Trades and Apprenticeship Fair:
Please join us for the 3rd annual West Shore Career-Tech sponsored Jobs, Trades and Apprenticeship Fair on March 27, 2025 at Westlake High School 6:00-7:30 pm.
High school and middle school students and their families are welcome! We have 23 businesses, trades, colleges and unions, registered so far. Last year we had over 30 participants. New for this year is Lincoln Electric and Tri-C Nursing.
To learn more about this event please contact our Career Counselor: Teresa Costa-Borick.
Additional news from our Counseling Dept:
TWO big deadlines fall on April 1. The CCP Intent to Participate is due for any students who are considering taking CCP classes this summer or next school year. The PE Waiver for Spring Sports also closes on April 1. You can find links to both of these in your Rocket Launchpad Google Classrooms!
National Athletic Training Month:
March is National Athletic Training Month and the Bay Athletic Department would like to recognize our Athletic Trainer(s), Hilary Hewkin. Athletic Trainers are celebrated across America this March, and the slogan this year is “Champions in Health Care.” Hilary has been in action as an Athletic Trainer at Bay High School for the past 9 years and has been certified for 29 years! You can find Hilary working with our student athletes daily in the training room, on the court, the field, or sidelines. She is essential to our athletic department and school! So, if Hilary has ever aided you, a teammate, or friend with medical care, please help us to celebrate National Athletic Training Month by extending a big THANK YOU to them for all that they do for all our athletes and community.
Bay’s Weekly Employee Of the Month is still kicking. Please be sure to submit your nominations for this week’s winner. Ballot boxes are in the main office, cafeteria, library and counseling office. Any staff member or teacher is eligible - just put their name and why you feel they are a W.E.O.M. (Wee-umm).
Acknowledgement is transformative. Good things are happening all around you, just take the time to look. A simple note recognizing someone who is making a difference can have a huge impact on them and those around them.
And a big THANK YOU for everyone who has participated so far - keep voting, and vote often!!
From the Desk of Principal Jason Martin:
We would like to congratulate the students from team "Village for a Vision" who raised an astonishing $113,000.00 in the fight against cancer. This team was led by Sydney Martin, Izzy Frombach, and Paige Kerber. We would like to give a special shout out to Molly Keane who was selected as the outstanding team member from the 670 team members in the entire LLS program. We would also like to recognize Paige Kerber who won the 2025 Mission Award for Research!
Do you like games? Snacks? Friendship? Thoughtful discussion? If so, come to room 106 on Mondays after school for SAGA! All are welcome.
Do you have someone that you feel are lucky to have in your life? Show them by purchasing a "Lucky to Have You" cookie bag. These bag o'cookies will be distributed on St. Patrick's Day during 1st Block. All proceeds benefit the class of 2028. On sale during lunch periods.
Drexel University: Thursday March 20 10:40-11:25AM
If you are interested in attending, sign up in Naviance and get your pass from Mrs. Dodd.
Choir Auditions will take place March 17- March 28! All information can be found on the flyers hung throughout the school! Just scan the QR code! Please see Mrs. Gess for more details! Don't miss this exciting opportunity to be a part of a long history of excellence and to possibly travel to Disney World!!
Upcoming Birthdays:
Mrs. Peabody March 16
Ms. Talarico March 20
Please help these folks celebrate their special day!!!
Today’s Lunch Entree is :
Build Your Own Sub Sandwich!!!
Lenten Fish Sandwich Special!!!