stage crew

Are you interested in learning about the behind the scenes aspects of Theatre Craft and Production???  Do you enjoy problem solving and learning new skills???  If so, please join us for Stage Crew in the BHS Auditorium on Thursdays after school and Saturday Mornings at 8AM.  Hope to see you there!


From the Desk of Athletic Director Matt Spellman:

Dear Students,

We are excited to invite all 9th-11th grade athletes who are interested in playing football for the 2025 season to an informational meeting about our off-season training program. The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th, at 3:00 PM in the library.

This meeting is open to all students, regardless of whether they have played football in the past, are currently playing, or have never played at all. Whether you are a current player or someone new to the sport, we encourage you to attend and learn more about the opportunities and benefits of joining our football team.

We look forward to seeing you there and discussing the exciting plans we have for the upcoming season!


The first of two Activity Picture Days scheduled for Thursday, January 9.  The second date will be Tuesday, January 28. Please review the schedule posted on the main office and counseling office doors.  Students should pick up a pass from their advisor in order to attend.


News updates from our Counselling Office:

Interested in entrepreneurship? Teams of 1 to 4 students can sign up to participate in the Youth Entrepreneurship Forum thinkBIG! Challenge! With guidance, teams will compete in a business plan competition competing for $9000 in prizes. Sign up by January 10 on the Experienceships Program Eventbrite or see Mrs. Holden for details!


Recent Birthdays:  Ms. Holden 01/04/25  


Today’s Lunch Entree is:

Pulled Pork Nachos!!!

Have a great day at BAY!!! And GO ROCKETS!!!