September 16, 2021
What’s YOUR favorite SPORTS team? Is it Bay Middle School? Or maybe it’s High school, College or
Pro? Get ready to celebrate the first day of START WITH HELLO SPIRIT WEEK !!
September 14, 2021
Hey BMS...Are you creative? Do you have Rocket spirit? Show your One Rocket Nation pride on September 22 by chalking the walk between Bay Library and the Middle School. Head to th...
September 10, 2021
IMPORTANT! Bay Village Schools has cancelled tonight's Varsity Football Game against Valley Forge. Please read this Rocket Family Update for more information:
September 10, 2021
The 8th grade girls volleyball team lost a close one yesterday to Westlake. The scores were 15-25, 28-26, and 16-25. Thank you to everyone who came out to watch our home games thi...
September 9, 2021
The 8th grade girls volleyball team lost a close one to Normandy. The scores of the 3 games were 25-17, 19-25, and 18-25. Ella Hoerig contributed with 5 aces, while Olivia Miller ...
September 9, 2021
This announcement is for 7th and 8th graders interested in joining Power of the Pen. Please stop by Mr. Barberic's room (room 144) this Friday or next Monday immediately after sc...
September 8, 2021
Friday night BHS football tickets will be sold this Friday during lunch periods! There will be NO CASH SALES Friday night at the gate. Please purchase your $5 ticket during lunch ...
September 8, 2021
Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader interested in being a part of the yearbook committee, the first meeting will be Thursday Sept 9th after school until 3:30 in Mrs. Abdul's room #106.
September 8, 2021
Dear Parents and Families,
We are a little over a week away from our first day of the 2021-22 school year! Student schedules, homeroom teacher assignments, lockers and locker...
September 8, 2021
Dear Parents and Families,
I hope this letter finds you enjoying your last few weeks of summer and beginning to prepare for an exciting 2021-22 school year at Bay Middle Scho...
September 7, 2021
Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country teams for a very successful day at the Avon Lake Early Bird Invitational.
The Bay Boys team earned second place in the me...
September 3, 2021
Are you in 7th or 8th grade and like playing games with your friends like chess, UNO, Scrabble, and more?! Then come to Mrs. Caraballo's room on Tuesdays after school from 2:50-...
September 3, 2021
The 8th grade volleyball team got their first win last night against Lakewood Garfield. The scores were 25-14 and 25-22. It was a team effort with Reese Roche and Fiona Walden dom...

August 13, 2021
Principal Mr. Sean McAndrews welcomes you to Bay Middle School, where it's always a great day to be a Rocket!
Dear Bay Middle School Families,
Welcome to the 2022...
July 28, 2021
PARENTS/GUARDIANS of Bay Village Schools students, including new students that have registered over the summer, please complete your online return-to-school paperwork in the...

July 28, 2021
Click here to access the 2021-23 American Rescue Plan. Safe Return to Instruction and Continuity of Services. "Rocket Return Plan" to be shared by July 30, 2021.