Cold weather will be back this week! Bring in a hat or gloves to give to the people who aren't able to buy their own. The Love Line is in the cafe.
Basketball tickets will be available to purchase today for $3 in the office during lunch.
Attention all 7th and 8th graders: Mrs. Abdul is looking for students to participate in the school wide spelling bee. If you are interested, stop my Mrs. Abdul's room #106 after school or ask your language arts teacher for the google classroom code.
Attention all 7th and 8th graders:
The Drama Club invites you to an organizational meeting on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, right after school, at 2:50 pm in the cafe. We should be done quickly. There are spots for both cast and crew. ALL 7th & 8th graders are welcome! New members and last year’s cast and crew should plan to attend. If you are interested but can’t attend this meeting, please email Mrs.Yeager. There is also a Drama Club Google Classroom that you can join for important information. All 7th and 8th grade teachers have the code. Come see what Drama Club is all about! Hope to see you then!