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John Maxwell
Grade 4 Teacher
Westerly Elementary
Ellen Maynard
Kindergarten Teacher
Normandy Elementary
Julie McArn
Grade 1 Teacher
Normandy Elementary
Kelly McCrone
Social Studies Teacher
Bay High School
Brenda McCumber
Child Care Provider
Glenview Center
Sandra McDanels
Educational Aide
Normandy Elementary
Kathleen McDonald
Food Service Crew Leader
Bay Middle School
Bridgit McFarland
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Bay High School
Danielle McKinley
Speech and Hearing Teacher
Bay Middle School
Nancy McLaughlin
Educational Aide
Bay Middle School
Kelli McMaugh
Grade 4 Teacher
Westerly Elementary
Bill Mears
Glenview Center
Eileen Meehan
Intervention Teacher
Normandy Elementary
Matthew Melster
Bay High School
Maureen Mensen
Van Driver Transportation
Kelley Mitchell
Grade 5 Science Teacher
Bay Middle School
Kerry Mlynowski
Individual/Small Group Instructor
Normandy Elementary
Molly Mont
Intervention Teacher
Westerly Elementary
Francisco Montes De Oca
Bay Middle School
Holly Montgomery-Nye
Educational Aide
Bay High School