Good Morning BMS, Today is Friday, December 16th, 2022
Pledge of Allegiance (Monday Only)
Fun Holiday: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Shout Outs:
Celebrity Birthdays at BMS today: Eleanor Greenleaf
Lunch at BMS today will include: Golden crispy chicken tenders, fried brown rice, cut broccoli, baby carrots, fresh fruit, choice of milk.
BMS Announcements:
Attention all Power of the Pen Members:
Don't forget to come to this Friday's meeting in Mrs. Goldberg's room for a holiday celebration and fun pen trade! The pen trade is optional & please check our Google Classroom for more details.
See you Friday!
Attention all ski club members. There is a MANDATORY meeting Tuesday December 20th before school or after school in the LMC. You are required to come to either the before school meeting or the after school meeting. Important information about ski club will be given at this time. See Mrs. Costanzo, Mrs. Abdul or Mrs. Yuengling with any questions.
Sports Report
Today is Friday, December 16th ,2022