Bay Middle School

Good Morning BMS, Today is Tuesday, December 6th,  2022

Pledge of Allegiance (Monday Only) 

Fun Holiday:   St. Nicholas Day

Shout Outs: 

Celebrity Birthdays at BMS today:  Elizabeth McFarland 

Lunch at BMS today will include:      Pepperoni pizza, side salad, baby carrots, fresh fruit, choice of milk 

BMS Announcements

Attention all Power of the Pen Members,

This week's meeting will be held in Mr. Barberic's room on Friday after school.  This will be a sharing meeting so please come prepared with one of your favorite stories.  

Mrs. Goldberg has provided new prompts on google classroom if you would like to prepare a new story.  See you Friday after school in room 144. 


Do you love to create imaginative, original visual artwork? The Bay Village PTA Reflections program is a chance for you to shine! The theme this year is “Show Your Voice”.  Students of all abilities are invited to submit an art piece in the categories of dance photography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Endries are due December 5-9 . There is a submission box in the entryway by Mr. Corker. 

We have some great ROCKET PRIDE sticker and poster contest entries. The judges are

anxiously waiting. Don’t miss out on YOUR chance to win!

Pick up the contest rules in the main office or in the library.

Remember to submit your digital designs by Today,  December 6.

Attention any 7th grade girl who signed up to try out for the 7th Grade Basketball team. Tryouts are Wednesday, December 7th from 3:15pm-4:45pm and Thursday, December 8th from 4:45pm-6:15pm in the Bay Middle School Gym. You must have a current physical on file in the office or you cannot try out. Any questions see Mr. Sherwood prior to tryouts on Wednesday.

Attention Ski Club Members: there will be a brief meeting for all members in the LIBRARY after school, Today December 6th. If you are not able to attend, see Mrs. Costanzo or Mrs. Abdul. 

Students, if you check grades using the PowerSchool app on your phone, you may need to update the app to view your grades going forward. A recent update to the PowerSchool system now requires phone users to have the latest version of the mobile app. A link to the iPhone and Android app can be found on the district website:


Sports Report 


Today is Tuesday, December 6th ,2022