Attention Golf Fans:
For 8th graders interested in playing high school golf, there will be an informational meeting TODAY during lunch. Coach Manderine will meet you at the cafeteria.
Go Rockets!
Get Ready to Celebrate Reading with our First Annual Read Across America Spirit Week. Signs are up in the Hallways with how we are honoring each day.
Monday starts our week with "Read My Shirt Day"! Wear a shirt with words!! We look forward to seeing what your shirt has to say :)
Do you enjoy bowling? Do you want to make an impact on the world? Well, the Key Club and K-Kids Thirst Project Committee is partnering with Bay Lanes to raise money to build wells in Africa. Come with your friends to bowl at Bay Lanes from 4:30 - 6pm on Sunday March 6th. Make sure to sign up on the sign up genius in advance. Information is on the fliers that are being sent home or on the fliers on the walls. Hope to see you there!