BMS Announcements

Good Morning BMS. Today is Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance (Monday Only) 


Fun Holiday: National American Red Cross Founder’s Day

Celebrity Birthdays: Annika Schulz, Theresa Uhlar

Lunch: Pizza Hut Pizza, side salad, baby carrots, milk

BMS Announcements:

Any current sixth and seventh-grade students who are interested in playing in the jazz band

next school year should attend the jazz band rehearsal sessions on Wednesday, May 22,

2024, through Friday, May 24, 2024, at 7:00 AM in the band room.  Please make sure to

bring your instruments so that you may play along!  Hope to see you there!

"BMS cheerleading tryout clinics begin Today, Tuesday, May 21st! Tryouts are open to any rising 7th or 8th-grade student. Tryout packets are available in the main office. Please take a look at the posters in the hallway for more info. Go Rockets!"

Attention all current sixth and seventh graders! The BMS Chamber Choir is having open rehearsals every day next week from today, May 21st, through Friday, May 24th. If you love to sing, come to the choir room each day before school, starting at 7:00 AM. See Mr. Novak with any questions.

This past Friday, May 17th, these five talented creative writers competed at Ashland University in the Power of the Pen State Tournament. Nearly 500 writers from 179 middle schools around the state of Ohio participated. 

7th Graders:

Lily Young

Elizabeth Steele

8th Graders:

Nora French

Allison Pistorino

Claire Jenkins

7th Grader Lily Young and 8th Grader Nora French moved onto the 4th "Power Round" of writing, meaning they placed in the top 54 writers in the State! Well done, ladies!

Also recognized at the State awards:

7th Grader Elizabeth Steele won a Platinum Pen Award for her Regional story, "A Flash of Future," from the 3rd Round at Regionals.

8th Grader Nora French won a Platinum Pen Award for her story from Regionals titled "Stay Strong" from the 3rd Round of Regionals.

8th Grader Allison Pistorino won a Platinum Pen Award for her story from the 2nd Round at Districts, "Shattered Hearts, Shattered Minds."  

Platinum Pen award winners had Best of Round stories that were judged as the "best of the best." These stories will also be published in the 2024 Power of the Pen Book of Winners.

Well done to all State writers; we are so proud of you!


Show your ROCKET PRIDE !!!