Power of the Pen State Winners photo

This past Friday, May 17th, these five talented creative writers competed at Ashland University at the Power of the Pen State Tournament. Nearly 500 writers from 179 middle schools from all around the state of Ohio competed. 

7th Graders:

Lily Young

Elizabeth Steele

8th Graders:

Nora French

Allison Pistorino

Claire Jenkins

7th Grader Lily Young and 8th Grader Nora French moved onto the 4th "Power Round" of writing, meaning they placed in the top 54 writers in the State! Well done, ladies!

Also recognized at the State awards:

7th Grader Elizabeth Steele won a Platinum Pen Award for her Regional story, "A Flash of Future" from the 3rd Round at Regionals.

8th Grader Nora French won a Platinum Pen Award for her story from Regionals titled, "Stay Strong" from the 3rd Round of Regionals.

8th Grader Allison Pistorino won a Platinum Pen Award for her story from the 2nd Round at Districts, "Shattered Hearts, Shattered Minds".  

Platinum Pen award winners had Best of Round stories that went on to be judged as the "best of the best". They will also be published in the 2024 Power of the Pen Book of Winners.

Well done all State writers, we are so proud of you!