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Ann Gilbert
Music Teacher
Bay Middle School
Lisa Gilmore
Individual/Small Group Instructor
Bay High School
Jane Godfray
Educational Aide
Bay High School
Laura Godfray
Grade 1 Teacher
Normandy Elementary
Margaret Godlewski
Grade 1 Teacher
Normandy Elementary
Helen Goldberg
Grade 7 Language Arts Teacher
Bay Middle School
Ryan Gorius
Health/Physical Education Teacher
Bay High School
EJ Gorman
Social Studies Teacher
Bay High School
Scott Graham
Math Teacher
Bay High School
Carol Grandy
Educational Aide
Bay High School
Megan Grdina
Science Teacher
Bay High School
Denise Greene
Educational Aide
Bay Middle School
Melissa Grimes
School Psychologist
Thomas Grodek
MS Assistant Principal
Bay Middle School
Robert Grossman
Social Studies Teacher
Bay High School
Michelle Guinter
Grade 6 Social Studies Teacher
Bay Middle School
Jacqualine Gundlach
Educational Aide
Bay Middle School
Karin Gutwill
Child Care Provider
Glenview Center
Scott Hack
Grade 8 Language Arts Teacher
Bay Middle School
Julie Hack
Grade 1 Teacher
Normandy Elementary